New Recipes for a Momentous Occasion

For a Mom-umental Person

Shopping for Mom can be a tall task for many of us during the best of times. And with social distancing in full swing as well as the closure of many of our go-to mom destinations, such as salons and spas, some people might be scratching their heads as May 10 quickly approaches. Here are a few ideas for Mother's Day 2020.

Mothers day

The Classic Mother's Day Brunch

If you're able to safely see your mother this year, then a traditional brunch is a crowd-pleaser. It's a wonderful chance to showcase a variety of meats, cheeses, produce, and baked goods, and get together with a limited group of people for Mom's big day. And yes, we have three brand new recipes for just the occasion.

brunch board

Some Quality Time Outdoors

With the closure of many parks, beaches, and recreational sites, outdoor activities are admittedly limited. However, many larger trails are still accessible as they provide patrons with appropriate distance to each other as they enjoy a walk or bike ride. Regional parks near rivers and creeks may be a viable option, and don't forget about extensive trails along dykes.

Create a Memorable Photo

This is a simple yet heart-warming idea for those who are apart during the COVID-19 crisis. A family photo can be shared digitally and is always a treasured item by moms everywhere. If you'd like to go a step further, employ the use of a photo-editing program (or turn to an experienced graphic designer or photographer) to add an artistic frame or even some text to give it a personal touch that she will love. Themed backgrounds are available through stock-photo websites and programs, so the sky is the limit if you're keen on creativity.

Make Your Own Gift Certificate

Another option for those apart, and one that can be humourous or quite moving, is a custom gift certificate. Whether it's a comical I.O.U. possibly about a future trip to a salon or a from-the-heart message that touches on a warm memory, a personal and custom-made gift certificate can go a long way in these troubling times.


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