Autism Awareness Month BBQ!

We are having a BBQ in Maple Ridge — and you’re all invited!!

To help support Autism Awareness Month and the Canucks Autism Network, we are throwing a BBQ next Saturday, April 21st at our Maple Ridge Farm Market location, and we want you to join us!
We’ll have a spinning wheel with prizes, food and beverage samples, and some fun for the kids, too!
All proceeds from the BBQ will be donated to Canucks Autism Network to help support them make a difference in our communities! 

All the juicy details

Where: Meridian Farm Market Maple Ridge (11980 227th St, Maple Ridge)
When:11am – 3pm, Saturday, April 21st 2018
Why: In support of Autism Awareness Month and Canucks Autism Network
What: BBQ by donation, spinning wheel prizes, Canucks Autism Network tent, food sample stations, special offers!
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